Towns & Cities

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Towns & Cities

Concrete Cutting Cutter Avon MA Mass Massachusetts

"We Specialize in Cutting Doorways and Windows in Concrete Foundations"

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Avon, Massachusetts is a small town, located in the western region of the state, along Route 24. It is approximately 21 miles south of Boston, and 2.3 miles away from the closest, relatively large city, Brockton. The good highway access greatly contributes to the development of this town. The Brockton Area Transit Authority provides public transportation service for locals, making commuting easy.


Avon is the smallest town with the lowest population density in the area, which is only around 1000 people per square mile. On the 2010 census, there were 4,443 residents in Avon which made a basis for 1,075 households and 1,120 families. The median age of the town was 40, and the median income was $50,305 for the households and $24,410 per capita. The estimated numbers in 2013 were $66,686 per household that is slightly above the average in Massachusetts and $33,868 per capita which is approximately 15% less than the state average.

Strategic location features this area. The rural, quiet, tranquil character makes it attractive for families, but at the same time it is part of a metropolitan community with all the advantages of educational, cultural, recreational, health-care resources. The tax base is also favorable in this town which further improves the town’s popularity. Housing, constructions are limited in Avon due to the town policy about preserving the suburban character, however, there are great neighborhoods in the town already for families.


There is one public elementary-middle school in Avon, the Ralph D Butler School that has 380 students approximately. There is a public high-school too, the Avon Middle High School. Due to Avon’s great location, 7 great universities are nearby. The closest are Massasoit Community College and Stonehill College, that are both about 5 miles away from Avon.


The Avon Industrial Area has developed recently and today it contains over 127 companies that employ over 3,600 people. The most common industry of the area is construction, which gives a total 13% out of all fields. 8% is public administrations, 7% is professional, scientific and technical services, and 5% represents finance and insurance. The most common professions in Avon are drivers/sales workers, logistics, different managers, and computer specialists.


Avon was incorporated in 1888 and now has a Board of selectmen that appoint a town administrator, and they give the executive branch of the town Government. The legislation is represented by the town meeting that is open to the public, but only registered voters may vote.


The average temperature of this region is above 70 °F in the summer and below 20 °F in the winter, with around 4-inch average precipitation. Avon did have severe weather conditions in the past. The historical tornado activity is, however, below the state average. There were 2 tornadoes in 1953. Also, there were 6 earthquakes near Avon since 1983, between the range of magnitude 5.3 and 3.6.

The main natural disaster that people may expect in the area are floods, storms, hurricanes, snows, snowstorms, blizzards, heavy rain.

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The value of concrete as a road or street pavement material need not be discussed at length here. It is seen everywhere. Every state in the union, including Massachusetts, has concrete highways or streets, and many of them have adopted concrete to the exclusion of all other materials for the building of permanent roads and highways. Everyone likes to drive on concrete roads because of its smooth riding qualities, its non-skid surface, and its pleasing appearance. Roads built of concrete are never closed by inclement weather. They are quickly and economically built with local labor and materials, are kept in a sanitary and serviceable condition with a minimum of expense, and will last indefinitely. We cut concrete slabs and concrete walls and also core drill concrete in Avon. The concrete road shown was designed and built for light traffic, and the integral curb and gutter, described elsewhere in this book, was used. The use of the integral type of concrete curb and gutter shortens the span of the road slab, which is an advantage and permits the construction of the concrete curb first. This is later used in place of a side concrete form, from which the screed is operated to strike off the surface of the pavement. In using the separate curb it may either be built first and an offset screed used for the pavement, or it may be built after the concrete pavement has been laid. We cut concrete and asphalt streets and roads using diamond blades in Avon Massachusetts. The first-mentioned concrete cutting method is usually adopted. The concrete should be machine mixed to insure accuracy, and in the proportions of 1:2:4, being 1 part of portland cement, 2 parts of sand, and 4 parts of stone or gravel, graded in size from 1/4 inch to 2 inches. Use as little water as possible to obtain a workable mix. Three-eighths-inch expansion joints of asphalt or tar should be provided on each side of the concrete road slab, regardless of the type of curb. Transverse expansion joints should be installed every fifty feet and at the end of the day's work. Care must be taken to set these expansion joints at right angles to the road surface. These joints are usually made with the aid of an inch or 1/4 inch thick piece of steel shaped to concrete form to the cross-section of the road. This is held in place and plumbed by pins or stakes driven securely into the sub grade. On the side opposite to the pins the joint filler is placed. Concrete is deposited on both sides of this plate, which is then removed together with the pins, leaving the filler in place. The pavement shown is not reinforced, nor is it considered necessary for pavements subjected to light, traffic only. However, on work of this nature circumferential reinforcing, consisting of a single 5/8-inch steel rod, may well be used placed 2 inches down from the top of the slab, and located 4 inches in from the edges, both longitudinal and transverse of each concrete slab. The use of such reinforcement will effectually prevent cracking of the pavement at the edges, and especially at the corners. Integral curbs are usually doweled to the road slab with two-foot iron pins spaced four feet apart. This is done to prevent the widening of the joint and to prevent seepage. The surface should be finished with a wood float only, and should be cured by the use of two or three inches of earth kept wet for at least eighteen days. Using a concrete cutting saw and a diamond blade is done best while the concrete has not cured and is still green.

Avon Massachusetts Concrete Cutting and Core Drilling

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Affordable Concrete Cutting - Concrete Sawing

Cities & Towns Served

We service over 1000 satisfied customers every year, both homeowners and contractors. We are by far "New England's Fastest Growing Concrete Cutting Service"

Concrete Wall Sawing

Cutting and/or enlarging door, window and bulkhead openings in concrete foundations.

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Concrete Core Drilling

Cutting 1" to 24" diameter perfectly round core holes for electrical, plumbing or vents in concrete floors and foundations.

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Concrete Slab Sawing

Cutting and dicing concrete floors, concrete walkways, concrete patios or concrete pool decks for easy removal and/or neat patching.

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Interior Trenching

Cutting trenches in concrete floors for plumbing, electrical, sump pumps, French drains or other utilities.

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Jack Hammer Service

Breaking concrete into manageable pieces for easy removal.

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Cutting and Removal

We cut and remove concrete, stone or masonry walls, floors, walkways, patios and stairs.

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