"We Specialize in Cutting Doorways and Windows in Concrete Foundations"
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We Service Carlisle MA and all surrounding Cities & Towns
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Carlisle is located approximately 20 miles northwest from Boston City. It lies along Road 225. The total area of town is 15.5 square miles of which 1.09% is water. Carlisle’s unique characteris provided by its rural appearance and strong community spirit. Although it is only 40 minutes away from Boston, there are no industrial parks, shopping centers, apartment complexes or even traffic lights.
Carlisle was first settled in 1650, then was incorporated as a town in 1805 when it officially became a district of Concord. In that year there were 634 residents living in Carlisle.
During the census of 2010, there were 4,717 residents in Carlisle, including 1,618 households and 1372 families. The population density at the time was 307 persons per square miles and inhabitants lived in 1,655 housing units at an average density of 107.7 housing units per square mile. Whites dominate the racial makeup with 93.47%, 4.83% Asians, 1,29% Hispanics or Latinos and the rest are African Americans, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders and others. The average size of households was 2.92 and the average family size was 3.18.
The spreadout of the town included 30.6% under the age of 18, 3.4% between the age of 18 and 24, 23.3% between the age of 25 and 44 years, 34.4% between the age of 45 and 64, and 8.4% of 65 years or older. 42 was the median age inCarlisle in the year of the census.
$176,288 was the median income per household and the average was $244, 544. The income per capita was $87, 470. This ranks Carlisle in the third place of having the highest income per capita, after Weston and Dover.
Almost one-quarter of the whole area of town is aconservation area. There are town-owned lands that are supervised by the town’s Conservation Committee, also, Carlisle is home to the Great Brook Farm State Park and part of the Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge.
The Carlisle Public Schools is a district is Carlisle and it was established in 1848, at that time as a one-room school house. The district operates an elementary school and a middle school. The superintendent of the complex is Joan Wickman and the principal is DennetSidell. By today, the complex employs around 80 employees and educated approximately 790 students.
Carlisle operates with the Town Meeting System. There are Town Meetings annually. As of 2016, it was held in May. The Town Meeting serves as the legislative body for the Town. The most fundamental responsibilities include appointing officers, decide on financial affairs and adopting and amending laws.The originally four-member Board of Selectmen – one position is currently vacant - are the elected Officials and executive officers of the town. The Board employs a Town Administrator, to manage everyday matters.
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After the concrete forms are removed the pen floors are poured together with the feeding troughs. A concrete hog wallow will assist in keeping pigs clean and free from mange and insect pests. Unless a concrete wallow is provided, the hogs will quickly make a disease breeding mud hole on the hog lot. As indicated in the plan, this wallow is built with shallow concrete footings on a well-tamped earth foundation. While it is not absolutely essential that a hog wallow be watertight it is easily accomplished by suspending the inside forms from cross-braces supported by the outside forms. The concrete footings, floor, and walls may then be poured monolithic and consequently watertight.
The sketch indicates the top of the wall level and provides for a pitch in the floor to a drain through which the water may be drawn off into a short line of drain tile.
The concrete should be mixed in proportions of 1:2: 3:2, being 1 part of portland cement, 2 parts of sand, and 3:2 parts of stone or gravel graded in size from 34 inch to 13/2 inches. It should be mixed with the least amount of water to give it workability. The floor should be finished with a wood float to provide firm and non-skid footing for the stock. The walls may be plastered with a thin coat of 1:2 mortar mix to further insure water resistance, if desired. A hog wallow that can be very easily and quickly constructed is illustrated on the next page. In construction of forms, proportion of mix, and method of finishing it is identical with the one just described. The ramp is a decided advantage, however, providing easy entrance, and the forms are a bit easier to construct. In this wallow no provision is made for drainage. The pit is filled by means of a hose, and the water is bailed out when it becomes necessary to clean it. Drainage can, however, be easily provided if desired. The old type of combined barnyard and manure pit is rapidly passing because it is wasteful and unsanitary. The value of manure stored in a tight concrete pit as compared with barnyard storage is so great that the pit will quickly repay its construction cost. Pour the concrete footings first, and upon them erect forms of inch boards and two by four studs spaced not over 18 inches apart for the walls. The concrete footings and walls should be keyed together to make a tight joint and insure a good bond. After the inside wall forms have been removed, the sub grade should be prepared if the soil is very porous and ground water is present; a line of drain tile around the walls will lead the water away from the pit. The floor should rest on the top of the footings and a slip joint provoked for expansion and contraction. The floor may be finished with a steel float to present a smooth, non-porous surface.
The driveway should be built with an apron or light foundation wall to strengthen it against impact of wagon-wheels, and keep it from sinking in soft ground.
Metal sockets or bolts are embedded in the top of the wall to permit construction of a roof. All concrete should be mixed in proportions of 1:23/2:4, being 1 part of portland cement, 23/2 parts of sand, and 4 parts of gravel, graded in size from Y4 inch to 13/2 inches. It should be machine mixed if possible and the water content should be kept low. The plan on the next page shows a much smaller manure pit. It is built in the same manner as the larger one, however, and the same aggregates and mixture are used. To eliminate rotting of sills and underpinning of buildings build them of concrete. Sturdy and strong, it will bear its load indefinitely and strengthen with age. The plans shown here provide for the setting of a steel or timber superstructure. The forms are set and the piers poured in place. In the first plan provision is made for steel anchor bolts; in the second, T-shaped pier, dowels are used to fasten the rough timber to the pier head.
Cutting and/or enlarging door, window and bulkhead openings in concrete foundations.
Cutting 1" to 24" diameter perfectly round core holes for electrical, plumbing or vents in concrete floors and foundations.
Cutting and dicing concrete floors, concrete walkways, concrete patios or concrete pool decks for easy removal and/or neat patching.
Cutting trenches in concrete floors for plumbing, electrical, sump pumps, French drains or other utilities.
We cut and remove concrete, stone or masonry walls, floors, walkways, patios and stairs.