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Towns & Cities

Concrete Cutting Cutter Needham MA Mass Massachusetts

"We Specialize in Cutting Doorways and Windows in Concrete Foundations"

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Needham is one of the towns in the Norfolk province in the Massachusetts state in the United States. This town is situated on rocky uplands within the circle of Charles River in the eastern part of Norfolk province. It is located 208 miles away from the New York City, 29 miles away from the east part of Worcester and about 10 miles from the southwest part of Boston city.


This town cover for about 12.7 square miles, of that 0.1 square mile is covered by water and 12.6 square miles are covered by land. The area of this town is approximately in the shape of the acute angle triangle pointing towards North. Charles River forms approximately all of the northeastern and southern boundaries.

The town line also borders Wellesley by making the 3rd north western one. Along with the Wellesley, this town also borders Dedham, Westwood and Dover on the south and West Roxbury and Newton parts of Boston city on the northeast part. This town is exalted at the sea level; however, it is a hilly town.

Have a look at Government

This town utilizes the old system type of administration along with a typical town meeting. In addition to this, the people of this town nominate the Board of Selectmen that is actually the administrative branch of a town government.


This town is initially a bedroom commuter and community suburban district situated outside the Boston city. Since from 1986, this town serves as a home for the Cocoa-Cola bottling plant. More often, this town started to entice Internet firms and high technology like Trip advisor and PTC, to this portion of town.

Education system of Needham

This town operates 1 high school that endures a 62 million dollar remodeling which was completed in the year 2009 and 2 middle schools, namely High Rock school for only 6 grades and William R. Pollard Middle school for 7th and 8th grade. Here there are 5 primary schools for the grades 5 namely Broadmeadow, Newman, William Mitchell, Hillside and John Eliot Elementary school.

Wonderful Transportation Facilities

The Route 128 or I-95 circumferential highway, which loops Boston city via this town, with 3 exits offering access to the Needham. Massachusetts State Route 135 also passes via the town. A Commuter railway facility of the Boston’s South station is offered by the MBTA with 4 stops in this town on its Needham Line- Hersey, Needham Junction, Needham Center and Needham Heights.

Are You in Needham Massachusetts? Do You Need Concrete Cutting?

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If the total width of a concrete house is not over 16 feet, beams 2 inches by 2 inches, extending from ridgepole to side wall, reinforced with a 1/2-inch rebar, will be sufficiently strong to support the sashes. Reinforced concrete posts 8 inches square should be placed at intervals of 10 feet to support the ridgepole. The tables or benches in concrete greenhouses should be constructed of concrete in order to save the grower the large expense and annoyance of renewing and replacing every few years the old decayed wooden benches. The tables can be made either as one member, in which case the posts, bottom and sides are cast in one continuous piece of concrete, or they can be made by constructing them in parts. In order to facilitate the drainage of the water from the table, holes must be left at the bottom of the benches except when the bottom is cast in a series of slabs, where the cracks between them will be sufficient. Make the concrete tables which are cast in one piece 22 inches thick and of a mixture composed of one part granulated Portland Cement to two parts of clean, coarse sand to four parts of cinders, reinforced with a woven wire fabric or 1/4-inch round rods spaced 7 inches apart. A design for a table and concrete forms for molding the separate members is shown. The posts should be 5 inches square, spaced on 6-foot centers, and the table may be made 4 feet wide. If the slab is molded in sections, as shown in the drawing, the section should be made about 10 inches in width for convenience in handling. The concrete forms if well planned and greased with oil should leave the concrete surface smooth enough without plastering them, but if desired a coating 3/8 of an inch thick, of one part granulated Portland Cement to one part of clean, fine sand, may be applied to them. This should be put on after the surface to be covered has been picked with a stone axe or old hatchet and thoroughly wet. Greenhouses are so warm that the moisture is soon dried out from the air. To supply the necessary amount of moisture, it is frequently advisable to keep a number of trays filled with water about the greenhouse. The rule is that the larger the surface of these, the greater the evaporation, and hence the better producers of moisture. These trays are most satisfactory if constructed of concrete, because the concrete, unlike the wood ones, do not rot, and do not shrink if allowed to become dry and consequently need little attention to see that they are always filled. The concrete trays can be made very attractive, and are more serviceable than if made of any other material. Make the trays like the slabs for tables, except form a lip all around them to the required height. Brush a layer of pure granulated Cement, mixed to the consistency of thin cream, over the inner surface two or three hours after the concrete is poured to make them water-tight. Protect from sun and keep wet until they are to be used. Frequently larger tanks are preferred, which may be made 18 inches wide by 18 inches deep, with 6-inch reinforced walls. Concrete veranda boxes for flowers do not rot and therefore do not have to be renewed every two or three years. They are attractive, too, not only on the porch of any stone, stucco or cement house, but are ornamental to a frame house. The length of the concrete veranda box is generally determined by the size of the space in which it is to be placed on the veranda. A good size is 5 feet long, 8 inches deep, and xo or 12 inches wide. The outside concrete forms consist of a long rectangular box, which may have the two long sides tapered if desired, so that the box will be 10 inches at the bottom and 12 inches at the top. This will make the finished concrete box look more attractive than if made with perfectly vertical sides. Uses planed lumber on the concrete forms and then oil them thoroughly on all the surfaces coming in contact with the concrete.

Needham Massachusetts Concrete Cutting and Core Drilling

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Concrete Wall Sawing

Cutting and/or enlarging door, window and bulkhead openings in concrete foundations.

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Concrete Core Drilling

Cutting 1" to 24" diameter perfectly round core holes for electrical, plumbing or vents in concrete floors and foundations.

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Concrete Slab Sawing

Cutting and dicing concrete floors, concrete walkways, concrete patios or concrete pool decks for easy removal and/or neat patching.

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Interior Trenching

Cutting trenches in concrete floors for plumbing, electrical, sump pumps, French drains or other utilities.

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Jack Hammer Service

Breaking concrete into manageable pieces for easy removal.

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Cutting and Removal

We cut and remove concrete, stone or masonry walls, floors, walkways, patios and stairs.

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